With the help and commitment of our operators, GLL (Better UK) and SLM (Everyone Active at The Forum), we all recognise that sport and physical activity is a welcome slice of normality for refugees, as well as a good way to get involved in local communities.
Therefore, we’re pleased to announce that all gyms, pools and leisure centres in Manchester will welcome Ukrainian refugees who have sought asylum in the UK by offering them free membership via initiatives that has been structured to be as simple as possible, recognising the challenges already faced by this vulnerable group.
Better leisure centres, sports facilities, pools and gyms across the UK have launched a new initiative that offers Ukrainian refugees a free Better Health Centre adult or junior membership or a lesson or course membership, for a fixed three-month period. The scheme is available at all leisure centres across our city and open with immediate effect. The charity 'Homes for Ukraine' will be supporting Better in raising awareness of the scheme.
Everyone Active at The Forum recognise that donating membership is a practical way in which they can support the individual and family’s physical and mental wellbeing and to support them to feel part of our community, and are offering a free 12-month adult or junior membership.
Click here for more information on the Better scheme. For details of participating leisure centres in Manchester, click here.
Click here for more information on the Everyone Active scheme.
How you can help
The safest and most effective way you can help is to donate to the Disasters Emergency Committee’s (DEC) Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. Funds raised will ensure refugees and displaced families get the support and essential supplies they need.
You can also donate to the Manchester Ukraine Welcome Fund, a public charity appeal that has been set up by the We Love Manchester charity to help frontline groups providing evacuees with the vital support they need.