People Who Use Our Services
Privacy Notice
We offer various services to the public in schools and community venues. We have to hold details of the people who have requested the service in order to provide it. However, we only use these details to provide the service that the person has requested and for other closely related purposes.
This privacy notice explains what personal information is collected when you use our services outside of one of our facilities, what it is required for and who it is provided to.
The notice also describes why MCRactive requires your data, and the legal basis on which it does this.
It provides additional information that specifically relates to this particular aspect of our service, and should be read together with the MCRactive corporate privacy notice, located on our website, which provides more detail on the questions below. Click here to read our general corporate privacy notice.
2. What kinds of personal information does this service use?
The information that we will gather normally includes the following information:
- Name
- Address
- Postcode
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Method of payment & amount paid (if relevant)
- Service accessed
- Unique pupil number
- Registration group
- Pupil premium
- SEND status
We also use the following special category personal information:
- Ethnicity
- Information in relation to any disability you declare yourself as having
- Health and medical information that you choose to declare
- Religion
If you are willing to provide it to us, we will also collect
- Contact telephone number(s)
- Email address(s)
- Emergency contact name & contact telephone number(s)
- Religion
3. What is your personal information is used for?
MCRactive are a not-for-profit organisation established and overseen by Manchester City Council, here to inspire and encourage people to lead a more active lifestyle. Our role in the city is to work with the whole sport and physical activity sector to promote and open up access to sport and leisure places across Manchester.
Our website is a new, innovative, web platform promoting sport, health and physical activity across Manchester. Offering Manchester a city-wide choice of different activities to help all Mancunians become healthier and happier. Built and hosted by MCRactive, this site provides a free online home for all organisations involved with delivering sport, health and physical activity across our city, offering the unique opportunity to promote sessions, events, clubs, facilities and places in one single location.
MCRactive uses your personal information to deliver services to you. Some of the services MCRactive provide you with, may require you to make a payment in return for the service provided.
MCRactive uses your personal information to deliver services to you. Some of the services MCRactive provide you with, may require you to make a payment in return for the service provided.
These services might include co-ordinating suppliers to provide funded holiday activities, overseeing the delivery of statutory mandated schools swimming, fulfilling individual requests for signposting to physical activity providers, acting on comments and complaints, or collating residents’ feedback on proposed capital projects.
The information also helps us to monitor our obligations in relation to diversity and equal opportunities.
4. What is the lawful basis we are relying on to use personal information?
Depending on the service MCRactive provides you with, will depend on the lawful basis we use.
Purpose | Personal Information Used | Lawful Basis |
To provision of services to you | All personal information we collect. | Article 6 – Lawful Basis of Processing Personal Data: a) Performance of a Contract or (f) Legitimate Interests is used to provide you with services for a range health and physical activities. Article 9 – Special Category of Personal Data: (a) Explicit Consent or (d) Not for Profit Bodies or (h) Health or Social Care Purposes + Schedule 1, Part 1, Condition (2) (1) (2) (d). |
If we use your Explicit Consent to process your Special Category of Personal data, you have a genuine choice of how MCRactive uses your data. Your Explicit Consent can be withdrawn at any time, by emailing:
Or by writing to us at the address below.
We use Legitimate Interests when we need to collect and use your personal data to pursue the legitimate interests of MCRactive, by providing you with the services you expect to receive, as detailed in this privacy notice, unless doing so would interfere with your rights and freedoms.
5. Where has your personal information come from?
In many cases, you will have provided the information to us directly to access our services. In some cases, we may have been given the information by partner organisations involved in the health and wellbeing sector, for example, Manchester’s Physical Activity on Referral Service. For children who are accessing our services, we are also likely to have been given the information by their parents/guardians or schools.
6. Who will we share your personal data with?
Your personal data is shared securely with the following organisations where it is both necessary and appropriate for us to do so:
(a) Manchester City Council (as joint data controller of your personal information in certain circumstances).
In relation to certain services, e.g. funded programmes, your information will also be shared with relevant other third parties where it is both necessary and appropriate to do so. These include:
- (a) Sport England
- (b) National Governing Bodies of Sport
- (c) NHS Services
- (d) Suppliers, partner organisations and providers of physical activity
Where possible, we will either anonymise or use pseudonyms when sharing your data, but this will not always be possible.
7. What rights do you have in relation to your personal information?
To read about what rights you have regarding the personal information used for this service, please click here. The available data subject rights applicable to you, will depend on the lawful basis MCRactive uses, to process your personal information.
8. How long will your personal information be kept?
We will keep your personal information for as long as we actually need it and in accordance with our Data Retention Policy.
9. How to contact us
If you have any questions or concerns about how we use your personal information, please contact us by email or post
Post: MCRactive, National Squash Centre, Etihad Campus Gate 13, Rowsley Street, Manchester M11 3FF
10. Complaints or queries
If you have any concerns about the way we process your personal information, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. The contact details are:
0303 123 1113 (Local rate)
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.