Sponsorship & Corporate in manchester
Manchester is a thriving city with a proud history of fighting inequality.
As a city, we continue to make progress, but unfortunately poverty and health inequalities remain a challenge we must work collectively and tirelessly to eradicate.
Recent economic challenges have exacerbated these inequalities, which has had a disproportionate impact on some of our local communities.
Currently, over 35,000 Manchester children are living in absolute poverty, with nearly a quarter of all Manchester residents paid less than the Real Living Wage (£10.90).
These factors play a role in increasing levels of inactivity, often resulting in heart disease, diabetes and other preventable health conditions that put further strain on the NHS.
For some across Manchester, life expectancy can differ by as much as 4 years.
what we do
Here at Manchester Active, we understand that what people and communities often lack is access to opportunities when it comes to physical activity and movement.
And we’re working tirelessly to change that. To make a difference. To address these stubborn inequalities. And to encourage and inspire all Mancunians to move more each day.
Through creating inclusive environments, we continue to break down both physical and perceived barriers, where everyone can participate, regardless of age, ability or background.
However, we recognise that no one person or organisation holds all the levers to address these inequalities and value the importance of working together to tackle existing gaps in access, opportunities and enjoyment in physical activity and movement in Manchester.
With this in mind, we’re reaching out. To like minded organisations. Who share our vision. With a unique opportunity to partner with us. To help make Manchester fairer. And contribute positively to ensure that no one gets left behind.
If you’re interested, and want to find out about the many ways you can partner with us, please contact us at