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Manchester is offering thousands of FREE places for children's activities over the school holidays. In addition to the activities, each booked place will include a FREE meal during the day.
See below, to find out whether your child is eligible to take part and to book sessions;

3 steps to book holiday activities

1. Register for benefits related free school meals - Click Here
2. Create a Family MCRactive 'Go' account - Click Here
3. Find and book your session on the Activity Finder - Click Here (Search by Category, 'MCR-Holiday Activity')

In order to book your place, users are required to have a Manchester Active Go account. Manchester Active Go is a new way to manage your health and activity across Manchester and will facilitate your bookings for sessions you’re interested in. If you have not created an account you will not be able to book any activities. 

To create your account, please CLICK HERE and follow the advised steps.

Once your account is set up, please scroll to the bottom of the page, or use our Activity Finder and follow the below steps to book your space:

1. Search by Category
2. Select ‘MCR Holiday Activity’
3. Enter Postcode >______< – Search within 1 Mile
4. Organised Holiday Activity Classes
5. View Results as List
6. Scroll & Select the Activity – Book Now
7. The system will automatically show all eligible participants on your account

Eligibility checks are going to change in 2024 and the registration system will automatically recognise those who are eligible, with a code no longer being issued.
Currently all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 can get free school meals whatever your income. But, if you receive one of the qualifying incomes (see below) you will need to register for benefit related free school meals in order for the registration system to recognise that your child is eligible for a school holiday activity place.

Your child may qualify for free school meals if you get any of the following:
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- The guaranteed part of Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit (if your annual gross income is £16,190 or less and you don’t get Working Tax Credit)
- Working Tax Credit run-off after you come off Working Tax Credit
- Universal Credit that you applied for on, or after, 1 April 2018. As long as your household income is less than £7,400 a year after tax, not including any benefits
- You may also qualify if you are an asylum seeker, or if a child receives any of these benefits directly, instead of through a parent or guardian.
Eligibility checks are going to change in 2024 and the registration system will automatically recognise those who are eligible, with a code no longer being issued.
Currently all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 can get free school meals whatever your income. But, if you receive one of the qualifying incomes (see below) you will need to register for benefit related free school meals in order for the registration system to recognise that your child is eligible for a school holiday activity place.
Eligibility checks are going to change in 2024 and the registration system will automatically recognise those who are eligible, with a code no longer being issued.
Currently all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 can get free school meals whatever your income. But, if you receive one of the qualifying incomes (see below) you will need to register for benefit related free school meals in order for the registration system to recognise that your child is eligible for a school holiday activity place.
Eligibility checks are going to change in 2024 and the registration system will automatically recognise those who are eligible, with a code no longer being issued.
Currently all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 can get free school meals whatever your income. But, if you receive one of the qualifying incomes (see below) you will need to register for benefit related free school meals in order for the registration system to recognise that your child is eligible for a school holiday activity place.

In order for the system to automatically check your child’s eligibility for free holiday activities you need to make sure that your Go account is up to date and all your information is correct.
The system will automatically run checks against your child’s;
- Surname
- Forename
- Postcode
It is very important that all this information is correct and up to date.

To create a Manchester Active Go account, click here