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MCRVIP Volunteering Opportunities in manchester


MCRactive are passionate about growing the VOLUNTEER BASE by working closely with and to the strengths of residents, utilising platforms such as MCRVIP (Manchester Volunteer Inspire Programme) to IDENTIFY, RECRUIT, TRAIN AND DEPLOY MORE VOLUNTEERS in sport and physical activity opportunities.

Our volunteering programme welcomes people from all backgrounds and areas of the community to volunteer and develop their skills, making you available to the people who really need help/support. MCRVIP can help volunteers like you find opportunities best suited to your skills set and things you might enjoy.

In addition, we work with many providers and partners to advertise their exciting volunteering opportunities on the MCRVIP platform.

We invite you to make full use of our volunteering platform, visit to get involved or alternatively take a look at the drop-down tabs BELOW to find out some more information on why and how volunteering can benefit you.


Volunteering brings with it awhole host of benefits to both you the volunteer and the positive effect your hard work brings to everyone involved.

There are many reasons why people people choose to volunteer, for volunteering provides an opportunity to:
- give something back to an organisation that has impacted on a person's life, either directly or indirectly
- make a difference to the lives of others
- help the environment
- help others less fortunate or without a voice
- feel valued and part of a team
- spend quality time away from work, home or a busy lifestyle
- gain confidence and self-esteem.
For some, volunteering can also be a useful route to open more employment opportunities, or a chance to try something new which may lead to a career change. From this perspective, volunteering can be fantastic a way of:
- gaining new skills, knowledge and experience
- developing existing skills and knowledge
- enhancing a CV
- improving one's employment prospects
- gaining an accreditation
- making new contacts in the area of work interested
- using one's professional skills and knowledge to benefit others (usually described as pro bono).
Furthermore, volunteering can also impart a vast array of social and psychologicalbenefits, helping you to:
- meet new like-minded people
- make new friends and contacts
- get to know the local community
- improve both your mental wellbeing and that of the people you interact with

It is important to note that the benefits of volunteering are certainly not limited to the points above, but don't take our word for it, try it for yourself and sign-up to opportunities near you today at, you wont regret it!


Grow and harvest healthy fruit and vegetables, learn about nature friendly gardening, meet new people and help our community to eat more locally and sustainably grown food.

Location: Eggington Street, Collyhurst, M40 7RG

Opening Times:
- Monday 10:30am-1pm
- Tuesday 10:30am-1pm
- Thursday 1pm-4pm
- Friday 2pm-4pm

Find out more information and apply here.


To find out about the whole host of exciting volunteering opportunities in the city, go to: and register an account.

To assist you with registering and signing up to opportunities, we have created a helpful guide with all the information on how to register, search for opportunities near you, and how to GET INVOLVED. 


Do you have an opportunity where you require volunteers to assist in the success of your event?

You can advertise your opportunity at:

To assist you with signing up as a provider and advertising your opportunities, we have created a helpful guide with all the information you'll require. We can't wait to see the wonderful opportunities you have for the people of Manchester to get involved in.


Can’t see what your looking for?

If you have a question about our MCRVIP platform please contact the support team:
If you have any other questions regarding volunteering you can contact a member of the MCRactive team, and will respond as soon as they are available:

Katie Thompson: (

Katie is currently overseeing Volunteering within MCRactive, particularly from a Sports and Events perspective. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with her.